Thursday, May 22, 2014

If We Rely only on Hardware and Software We're Heading to be Nowhere.

                                                  Telegraph             Daily mail

Computer guided tillers may replace the present tractors. But we need lands to be tilled. Computer guided ships are there but we require water for sailing. Again system guided airplanes are there. But we need steel, aluminium,iron and so many other metals for manufacturing an airplane. Similarly micro wave ovens or more modern e-cook wares may come up in the market. But we need rice, wheat, fruits or vegetables to prepare any dish.

The kids of today see the world through the  'Google' prism and MS Windows.  They see the cost of a product and place orders and don't realize the value of money, hard work and experience. Simply they know the cost of everything but the value of nothing.  A single click can make them rich in happiness and the parents bank balances  poorer. These small  kids think that money can be taken from the ATM's and any thing can be purchased with the plastic cards. As they are constantly exposed to screens of e-gadgets and televisions and systems every right thing gets screened from their eyes.

Gone are the days of classes where the teachers would bring tears in the eyes of their students as they dealt with the cruelty of King Lear's daughters.  Then  Shylock's knife would be teaching them a lot about life. The worthy words of Wordsworth nurtured them with nature. Children were taught to learn from the failures  and successes of  the past era and persons. All these are still in curriculum.  But these are learnt to score higher  grades and not to climb higher plains. The more he learns today, the more he feels falling. 

This article is not a dirge composed at the death of humanism in human. This is just a gentle reminder to all in the world, the ALL  are required to be preserved. The ALL includes the land and the water, the air and the space, the flora and the fauna , the earth and the universe....

We need not live neither in the past nor in  future. But we have an obligation to leave our Future generations a 'present'. That's all. The world lives beyond computers and systems. We can't end our lives with 'e' and i-phones.  Let us tell our kids, show our kids the hard labor. Let them enjoy the prosperity but let them be aware of  poverty and its pains too.  If  this generations of  'nest livers' continue to hide behind electronic screens and plastic doors the kids and the future generations  would  be missing  windows of opportunities. Hands are to be trained to work hard and not the index  fingers alone. They have to go to the country side and get stuck and compose poems as Robert Frost did. They will have to take their own path and walk and depend not on the internet highways. They have to reach the platforms at odd hours and wait for a delayed train and not be aware of e-platforms alone. 

 "Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can - how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics. Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. "  Abraham Lincoln

It is a pity that people , even carrying women and nursing mothers have to carry mud on their heads for the whole day for a paltry 2 dollars a day and people spend 2 dollars or more  a day to lift 'weights' in gyms.  The people who fly in cars walk on the tread mill machines wasting precious energy. Don't they have a place to walk on! Again at airports too they do have elevators, escalators and walkalators.  

Let us teach them and reach them that life is not before or behind computers but beyond computers. 

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