Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Power of Ballots: India Inks History

“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!”
                                            -       Mark Twain

A nation of 1250 million people has yet again decided   to walk on the tested path of democracy. There may be inaccuracies or shortfalls in the process; but the journey has been on since 1947, the year, the British left the shores of India. By its sheer size and variety India can be classified as a continent of cultures and peoples. The divisions she has, as do some other nations across the globe, give strength for her survival. Really, the nation is still more primitive in her soul and modern in technique.  The bullock carts, decorated elephants or the horse drawn coaches are still there but all the pilots of these animals’ trajectory   are burdened with mobile phones.

Be just and appear to be just

The task of conducting elections involves preparations of voter rolls which can never be finalized as millions of these voters are mobile at any point of time. At least 25 million of them are on trains alone. Every day around 65000 new babies enter India and around 20,000 depart to the other world.  Hence the task of the election commission of India is really great. Still the electoral rolls had 8,14,59,11,84 voters in the just concluded general elections.

Though the people are generally law abiding and the spirit of patriotism still visible, there are areas where disgruntled elements with policies of yesteryears disrupt the democratic process. Around 50 men of security and poll officials lost their lives while on duty. Every assertive group of caste, class and faith has got a party representing them and these entire small and big jumps into the electoral fray. There is acrimony; dissatisfaction, quarrels, polarization, arguments, fights but ultimately the winner is always democracy.  

Abrahalm Lincoln of India

The history proves that the ‘men of matter’ rarely became ‘men of letters’. Almost all the big of today and yesterday had only humble origins.  Mr.Narendra Damodardas Modi, the new PM designate is no exception.  He speaks the language of the people and reaches their hearts with ease. After a long time we have got a person who has got the humbleness to treat the post he got as an opportunity to serve and a responsibility to execute.  His words are simple but focused. As he had already proved his mettle beyond any doubt in the western state of Gujarat, India is standing yet again to rewrite history. Yes, Mr.Modi will be declaring wars. But those wars would be against corruption, laziness, complacency and weakness and meekness.

He is here for a long innings. The media which have been spewing venom for decades hesitantly write editorials with lot of caution.  His critics are as strong as they were earlier in opposing him and are eagerly waiting for an opportunity to prove their point. But the citizens of India are well matured and put aside all the divisions the media tried to sow deep.  But even today the holiest of all the holy newspaper from south India gave a detailed analysis of how each caste voted in the elections. Undeterred are the unlettered in their commitment towards their nation and they have made this nation proud yet again.


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