Friday, May 2, 2014

Fear and Fire the Wild Fires First.

Photo: Corner of Etiwanda and Foothill, Rancho Cucamonga.

CALIFORNIA FIRE: 1,100 homes have been evacuated as an 800-acre wildfire continues to burn in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains in California.

Wild fires are reported quite often where still some wild life is there. Natural fire due to the crashing of dry bamboo grass stems are rare. Most of these are man-made; casual attitude, callousness or accidents. But once sited it takes time and efforts before the fires are put out. Billions of dollars  of worth property and wild life  go into flames. Last year we saw even the fire fighters lose their lives. Any accident involving fire can be prevented if detected in advance. It is humanly impossible to surf every inch of our forest wealth for sparks or fires. But the job can be done by our roaming satellites. I appeal to the scientists around the world to launch satellites for this specific purpose. If done the incidences of such wild fires' gravity can be reduced. Let's hope for the best.   

Done and being done.

Forest Fire

A satellite acquired images of a forest fire in Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, and Primorskii in eastern Siberia in 2003. Light gray in the image is smoke from the fire. The red dots indicate where the fire is burning. We can detect burned areas and smoke distributions. Using this information, we can react faster and perform fire fighting more precisely.


Credit: JAXA  2003/7/1  ADEOS-II (GLI)  

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