Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tata Powers India

Solar modules
Solar modules, also called photo voltaic or PV modules, directly convert sunlight into electricity and are thus, a source of clean, decentralized power

Tata Power Solar Systems' modules have 25 years of useful life with 80 per cent of power still available at the end of that time period. They can be configured from watts to MW. 

Features include:
Higher energy-yield anti-reflective (ARC) glass
Optimised edge clearance
Anodised aluminium frames that are torsion and corrosion resistant
Ultra soft interconnect with stress relief
Mechanical strength of module
The benefits of solar photo voltaic modules span environmental, economic and social spheres.
Environmental benefits
Photo voltaic modules can fill the gap to help India reach its renewable energy targets
Photo voltaic modules directly reduce rising CO2 emissions in an environmentally friendly manner with full life cycle responsibility for its product

Economic benefits
Investment in photo voltaic modules provides positive net present value
Increases long-term energy security of supply
Provides valuable peak power
Contributes to smart grid and job creation

Social benefits
Contributes to electrification of rural areas
Caps increasing household energy cost
Contributes to inclusive growth and social harmony

Solar lighting

Tata Power Solar Systems' solar lighting products are agents of social change. They are tough, long lasting, cost effective and energy efficient
Tata Power Solar's solar lighting products are cost-effective and built to last, an important facet to consider, especially in the rugged and isolated terrains where our home lighting systems and solar lanterns are sold.

We have a range of solar lighting products:
Tatadeep solar lantern
a high quality portable lighting system with a CFL fixture
Star solar lantern
a robust portable lantern that provides up to three hours of light on a single charge, and can be used as an emergency light during power cuts.
Heera Indoor solar LED lantern
with no kerosene fumes, no smoke, 50 per cent less energy consumption than CFLs and a very long life, these portable LED lanterns are a cleaner, greener way to light up your home.
Jugnu solar home lighting
compact stand-alone home system with a four-hour backup, it is ideal for rural homes where there is either no grid, or where grid power is unreliable.
Venus solar home lighting system
cost-effective and reliable CFL lighting for both domestic and commercial applications in rural areas
Marga deep solar street lighting system
stand-alone systems with built-in automated controls for remote application that provide reliable outdoor lighting for streets, campuses, villages, open spaces, etc.

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