Friday, October 18, 2013


Coconut trees are a wonderful gift to man by nature. It gives us the  finest mineral  water that  energizes us. Every part of a coconut tree is utilized by us. You see the picture  above how our kind man has dumped 'empty mineral water bottles' and betrayed the tree for its generosity.  

People are still reluctant and hesitant to accept that we harm nature. Using a pet bottle for every 250 ml of water and dumping them into the soil is a criminal act. In the name of purity we do indulge in insane activities that are beyond our comprehension. 

What we are afraid of?

Bacteria, virus etc., How did our parents survive? Did they use a cup for every sip? What will happen to us if we pour the water in a big container and use jugs and glasses for drinking. Today in India, every thing gets packed.From flowers to oil.. in 10 ml sachets.

Nature is not related to one group or country. It is for all of us. Let us think before we dump. We all know what is right and what is good for nature. Only we are unwilling to act as we are sure we can protect ourselves. It is not the question of our survival. It is the question of the big Earth's survival. Please  listen and respond positively to the cries of nature. 

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