Tuesday, October 15, 2013



 The world of yesterday and today is full of conflicts. Individuals or our cities live and thrive in animosity. We come to know of more and more wars and scars. Men do preach peace but breach it quite often. They do die fighting for gods and their rituals; for their rights and shelters; for their name and fame. He preaches about his universal presence, benevolence and omnipotence but ceases not in violence.  

The biggest tragedies of history were the effects of the ego. Ego is an unnecessary cargo. Unless we offload this luggage from our baggage, none can salvage us. The inflated egos deflate our hearts of love and compassion and fill them with hate and iciness.  We close our eyes when they have to be kept open- without seeing the suffering of the poor, and keep them open when they are to be shut- to see the rich’s luxuriousness.

 Trust is the missing commodity in our markets and we have to replenish them in plenty in the shelf of human hearts.  Loss of faith in one’s own kin has harmed the skin of the humanity.  We all stand united in misunderstanding others.  All doors are to be opened to gain openness. Every window should welcome fresh air of love and compassion. No curtains to be allowed that block the ways of love.
Everyone knows the truth but prefers deception. Falsehood is always in her best attires. Hence it attracts the young the old, the literate and the illiterate alike.  Truth is hard and unattractive from outside. To know the beauty of truth one has to shed the ugliness of hate and go deep into the heap to reap the ripe fruits. No roots of a plant or a tree are as attractive as that of its flowers or their fruits.  The similar is the story of the truth.

A ten or twenty hour air- journey is considered very long but a hundred year journey is very short.  The co-passengers are for different destinations. The smiles and the warmth or the scornful looks they show or throw  are temporary and would be offloaded on the arrival of their destination. Life is just a fleeting moment. In such a short journey why should we carry hatred of mud and blood?

The Alexanders and the Napoleons could not understand it.   Let the History not repeat itself. Pens or guns, they should be filled with indelible inks and ammunition of love and love alone. 

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