Saturday, October 12, 2013




India is implementing the Food Security Act which entitles 82 crore people to 5 kg of food grain per person in a month at the rate of Rs 1-3 per kg. The country needs 62 million tonnes of food grain in a year to implement the law. None can offer food security when there will be no food at all. The rapid urbanization and industrialization of the earth leaves an ever shrinking space for agriculture. No part of this planet is free of this urban menace. 
What it means 'urbanization'.

Urbanization is measuring the land and dividing them into parcels of small and big. If it is a ten hectares farm with a single motor pump set connection means  it would turn into  an apartment complex housing some 2000-3000 tenements of  small and big. The green lush farm field never ever would name his farm as 'green fields' or 'green view'; instead after the construction of  concrete structures touching the skies with steel, cement and glass - taking away ever piece of grass, parking monstrous motor cars and bikes in hundreds and creating tons of non-biodegradable garbage in the area , the builders would not hesitate to name their projects such as 'green paradise' , 'green valley' ,  nature's lap', 'nature's nestle' and so on. This is the biggest of IRONY in urbanization Stage-I. After pulling every grass they would grow plants in pots and near windows and terraces and would call them as hanging gardens. They would landscape a few millimeters of land and christen the piece 'green lung'. 

The world over this disease has spread and the modern civilization thinks development or growth means living in high rise buildings behind closed doors. 

The symbols of modern civilization are:
1. Assemble in an hotel for a party and all would talk but with one another but over phones who are not present there.
2. Don't climb up the stairs ,  a moving ladder would take you up.
3.  Pack a little a chocolate or a drop of juice and keep packaging attractive.

Oh, sorry   I  need to talk on food security ...

If the above mentioned trend continues for a few decades, we have to give 'food' the security and can't  give 'food security' to people. Even today  at times of emergency we watch how soldiers have to provide security to the 'food' they are taking for distribution. That should not become a norm. 

Today's kids think vending machines give us milk and oil. They do believe  that  rice and wheat are grown on trees. It is common now that kids think the ATM's can give them money and they need only a few plastic cards for purchases. All these are unhealthy trends. 

To continue...

Population Bane.

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