Monday, October 7, 2013



There are public who feel the talks on ‘global warming’ or on ‘climate change ‘are mere ‘fashion’ and nothing in ‘real’ is affecting us. They are unwilling to accept the dialogues on ‘rising levels of sea waters’ and ‘melting of glaciers’. The opponents to the climate change champions believe ‘the melting of glaciers is a natural phenomenon and no big land mass has submerged so far due to the rising sea levels. The lop-sided monsoons or flash floods in different parts of the planet are the normal deviations’.

Yes, their arguments have got substance. But one should realize none is expecting a deluge immediately after planting a million of saplings or our mountains sporting frozen ice. Also none predicts a ‘doom’ for all of us in the very near future.

 The earth we inhabit is millions of years old. Man is on a rampage only in the past two centuries. The industrial revolution and the advancement in science and technology have made men live longer and the process of decay of the earth’s environment is being accelerated. An un-watered small plant may die in a day or two; without water to its roots a banyan tree may survive a little longer. The earth is a very big banyan tree. It would take some more time for the man to destroy the earth.

  The question is not man’s survival alone. He has survived a nuclear holocaust and may survive more severe consequences. But the survival of the planet earth is in question. Man drills bore wells for miles into the earth and empties the crude oil leaving a hollow earth. He has been demolishing mountains, spoiling the sea water and has succeeded in killing of millions of fresh water bodies across the world. He is polluting the untouched glaciers in the name of tourism and exploration and leaves behind trash that lay there forever. The guns he proudly possesses speaks across the world every second spitting bullets.  The ever rising concrete jungles and the choking carbon emissions are a pointer to prove that ‘man is on a mission’!

It is but true that man has got technology to ward off acid rains and filters to fill his lungs with pure oxygen.He is one of the most populous species occupying this planet and will be never go to the endangered list but having a capability to make other occupants 'endangered'.    He may take water from air and use air as fuel. Like this man can go to any extent and do anything for his survival. But the questions remain, ‘Is he the sole owner of this earth? And, how would the other occupants of the earth (flora and the fauna) protect themselves from the dangerous developments, which are consequences of man’s exploitation?  How would the life of a man to live all alone without a single piece of grass or grasshopper? (We are aware he is already preparing grounds in the Mars.)

Let us remember the earth we live in are not an ‘inherited one’ but a ‘borrowed one’. Those who want to pass on a ‘beautiful earth’ to our future generations do join us to save the ‘earth’ and its occupants. Contribute your time and thought. Let it be in any small way. But let there be a ‘way’ for our future.

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