Saturday, October 5, 2013


EPA Announces Limits to Greenhouse Gas Emissions on New Power Plants

Climate Change is real or reel (imaginary).  None forces anyone to believe or disbelieve either one of the two  propositions.  People are ready with an umbrella  that would  protect them from the sun or rain. If the weather turns hot they are with the cooling devices and when it turns cold, they are armed with heating devices and attires. Then where is the necessity for a common man to bother with  the often repeated phrases, global warming or climate change. These two most common terms stand too far from them as the 'globe' or 'climate' are not 'earthy'  but in skies.

My proposition is  not to make people to look at the sky or warning them about the 'melting glaciers , as these in the past two decades failed to melt people's hearts.

Look locally. Look inward. Think deep. 

 Aren't you aware  that a litre of  water of an ordinary brand costs 20-25 rupees? 
Aren't you aware that the diesel that we import is just double the cost of it?
Is n't a sign of a sick earth?

Aren't you aware all our perennial rivers are either dry or converted as drainage medium?
Aren't you aware people are using a cup for every sip'- each one uses a single poly cup every time he takes water?
Aren't  you aware our cultivable lands have become residential or industrial  plots and the area under agriculture is shrinking fast?
Aren't you aware people are forced to live in nests (apartments)  that are beyond the flying zone of birds except vultures?
Aren't you aware in the past decade the rich has grown richer and the poor the poorer?

Aren't you aware that many of the animals and plants do join ever year in the list of endangered species save man?

Aren't you aware fertilizers and the pesticides are used indiscriminately to increase production and they have resulted in the increased incidence of deadly diseases like cancer and our lands demand the smell of these chemicals to allow the growth of plants?

Aren't you aware that half a million people die and ten times of the size are crippled or inured on our roads due to monsters called vehicles?

Won't you agree that our lungs get painted by soot without any smoking' by you and this is due to pollution?

Won't you agree in the name of fashion we have made this earth a patient suffering with multiple diseases?

Aren't you aware the green jungles are replaced by yellow or white jungles?

If the answer is 'yes', even to one of the questions above, start conserving the earth for the present- forget the future.

The danger is real and we are experiencing the pain. Feign not ignorance.

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