Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cycling Brings Cheers

All exercise is good for us, but cycling is especially beneficial. This is because it's transport and a work-out rolled into one. The scientific evidence is pretty impressive – physical activity such as cycling not only contributes to well being, but is also essential for good health.
People who are physically active reduce their risk of developing major chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes by up to 50%! In fact taking moderate daily exercise of about 30 minutes per day can reduce our risk of premature death by 30%.
Cycling is a great way of getting your daily 30 minutes of exercise, weather it’s for pleasure on some of our great cycle paths, or as part of daily life riding to work or the shops. Cycling can benefit everyone regardless of their ability.
Because cycling is ‘low impact’ and your body is supported by the bike, it is easier on the bones and joints than many activities such as running. The intensity of activity can be easily adjusted to suit the individual, from a gentle pedal to a powerful uphill surge – it’s all beneficial. Cycling can improve mental health, offering opportunities to relax, ‘get away from it all’ and enjoy some fresh air.
So whichever way you look at it, the key to a long and happy life? Get on your bike!
  • Approximately 37% deaths from Coronary Heart Disease are due to inactivity 
  • In the Lancaster District over 60% of people travel to work by car. 
  • Health problems resulting from low levels of physical activity are now one of the ten leading global causes of death and serious illness, responsible for two million deaths worldwide each year. 
  • Obesity levels in England are steadily rising - it is reported that more than one in five English adults are obese. 
  • In the UK 60% of journeys of only 1 -2 miles are carried out by car
Source: Celebrating cycling

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