Friday, October 11, 2013


Here is the root cause that causes economies bloat and float. There is no difference  between the men who work and the one who shirk. The stand off  in the congress has got something to do with the politics but the economists the world over -including the noble laureates failed to check  the growth of the  rich and the poor - of course  not on similar lines. The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. 

 (C) THEORY OF POVERTY All rights reserved.

HERE IS THE REASON WHY IT HAPPENS SO. Economics and commerce survive on buying and selling . They may be commodities or services. But today in the name of trading of e-shares,debentures and futures trillions of dollars of worth (less) shares were sold or bought any number of times within hours. A simple click of a mouse can bring you billions of dollars and at times it may rob you off of the same too in split seconds.

This officially permitted  gambling practiced by the educated elite robs the poor and heaps tons of money at the altar of the rich everyday. If the world wants equitable distribution of wealth and if it really wants a semblance of growth in the poor of the world's life, they have to stop this e-trading. But there is no harm in buying and selling of shares if physical documents are issued for every purchase. Otherwise the trillions of balloon/bubble money floating in air would ruin the economy of the entire world. Without any product or service one could make millions in minutes means- definitely there is something wrong. In India the flagship scheme of the present government promises 2 U.S dollar worth Indian currency for a person for a day's physical labor.   

Is it not a cruel joke one cunning fellow sitting at his cool comfort zone earns billions in split seconds without an inch/ounce of work. As long as this imaginary money survives there is no  scope for an all round development of the society.   

To be continued...

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