Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pots that filled the earth with seeds are empty today.

Gone are the days when we used to store paddy  seeds for the next crop. Storing seeds for about 6 months or more are a big task. The best grown and the best yielding variety would be separately threshed and  each variety of paddy has to be stored separately. The reasons are simple. The rice varieties are of different and some may be ready for harvest in 120 days and  some other in 150 days and some in even in 60 days. Even  if one grain gets mixed with the other that plant becomes a ' weed'.

After drying them in sun light for 3-4 days carefully they will be stored in these big  baked earthen pots. On the top of it we would place neem leaves  to protect them from insects or pests. Once the lid is placed we would seal it with clay and the seeds can take rest for at least 6 months.  The big story of these big earthen pots is that these are not to be seen anywhere  even in villages.  At my home these  are lying outside in the open  for the past 5-6 years.

The pots that filled many a nursery with lush green paddy plants and later acres of paddy fields and  which filled many granaries are hungry today without any food to fill their stomachs. 

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