Saturday, March 8, 2014

Just a Thought to Go Green

  1. Start incorporating cycling in to your lifestyle. On top of reducing your carbon footprint, you get in good shape too! Simply start by cycling for your errands - such as going to the convenience store for your necessities. Cycling for at least 30 minutes gives you the cardio exercise you require daily.
  2. Nothing beats taking short walks. Instead of driving to your favourite coffee shop for lunch, why don’t you try walking? Walking is energising and helps burn the excess calories from your lunch.
  3. Carpool or travel on public transport for your external meetings. If your company cannot phase out the use of cars, consider getting a hybrid or compressed natural gas (CNG) car.
  4. Driving to the office or flying overseas? Think twice before you do so. Arrange for an online presentation if possible.
  5. Look for ways to drive less. Rather than having an unplanned driving trip, save both on your carbon footprint and time by making planned trips. Group your tasks according to their areas.
  6. Driving your child to school? If the school is a stone's throw away, why don’t you and your child walk together? Not only you kick start a green habit with your child, you save on that fuel driving him/her to school too. 

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