Sunday, March 30, 2014

Don't Smoke and End Up in Smoke.

Mushon, 45, a Sumatran Orangoutang plays with a piece of bamboo and a tin can in the Tel Aviv Ramt Gan Zoological Center near Tel Aviv, Israel, on March 23, 2014.

When the green champions are against the smoke emitted by the factories and vehicles our human factories too join the club of polluters by smoking non-stop. As a child I've watched people smoking 'beedis' and 'cigars'- (churutu in Tamil) and the wealthy people smoked cigarettes.

Today the entire community smokes cigarettes as we have grown economically. Normally in this part of the earth the smokers believe that the is a fashion statement. There is an air of superiority always flowing from their mouths and hearts  and the smokers feel proud and they are considered to be more courageous, brave, stylish, masculine,elite and sexist too than the  non-smokers. As they tick off the burnt ashes they feel dismissive of the person standing next to them and again wear air of style statement. But the friends who smoke normally care less for their neighbors. The government has banned smoking in public places and offices. Hence the safest place for smoking is their homes only. Either their kids and other family members or their neighbors have to survive as passive smokers. You smoke and I perish. Little they bother about the inconvenience of others.

Though the governments hike the prices of these tobacco products the sales  don't come down drastically.  I have neighbors who are good at this art. I continue to be smoked by their habit and in fact  I may inhale more than the smokers as they smoke in turns and keep moving. Some funny sides are to be written when we speak of this royal habit. In earlier days people used to smoke heavily even inside the  cinema theaters and now it has come down. But the safest place for these folks who get immersed quite often in heavenly sojourns is the wash rooms.Public toilets would be crowded and there would be a long queue. Once the noise of water splashing and movement of buckets are heard the person waiting out side would be 'on his marks' and on opening of the door, he would rush into the toilet to be welcomed by a smoky room. Nothing can be done.Enjoy or suffer.

It is laughable that pictorial warnings with horrible faces are getting printed on the cigarette boxes and simply people empty them to take the spotless white cigarettes. We were told Prime Minister Churchill enjoyed  cigars from India. I forgot to add that the smokers often slip into philosophical journey.  Long live the smokers!


I think the cigarettes must be the only product that warns with these dangerous announcements and go unheeded. 

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