Sunday, March 23, 2014

Electronics without any Ethics; Science without Conscience

Three decades ago we were proud to own an electronic watch which replaced the tiny metal pieces with plastic and showed digital display. Today the earth and many more planets are under constant surveillance- under 'electronic watch'. 

None is free. As Rousseau observed 'Man is born free but he is always in  chains', today he is in a web. But it is quite surprising  for many who question how can a 200 feet length, 328 -ton jet liner disappear from the skies without any trace. The area we occupy on this earth is very small compared to the area of water and the unoccupied lands. A loaded aircraft at a speed of 600 -900 kms speed cruising towards earth with its heavy weight can reach the bottom of the seas which are as deep as 12000 feet. For the ocean the aircraft is  a mere micro tip of dust.  The aircraft tragedy is the Titanic of the skies. Instead of ruing over a lost aircraft in the waters the scientific community should come out with more safety measures.  The umpteen theories which are discussed in public over the disappearance of the aircraft have become a rich source of  information for some elements  who may experiment with such tricks in future. After all who thought that flying  airplanes can be used as a lethal bomb before September 11? Hence there is no need to discuss in public of the possibilities of the reasons as they may endanger  the lives of the  future fliers.  

On the other hand science has to come with an answer for such an eventuality sooner later.

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