Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Acknowledge that human beings are one of  the species that occupy this natural world and they are not the owner of this natural world. They do have rights as others to use the scarce resources for their survival and not abuse any. They do have to respect the specific values of all forms of life that includes plants and the soil, water, air and space.

Cities burn more fuel and hence release more carbons into the atmosphere.  Efforts are to be taken urgently to stop this cruel imbalance. All men in our cities! The urbanization is going to make this earth an orphan. Helping our villagers with the comforts of the city and providing the required price for their produce would keep them in their traditional habitats.

As people walk out of their homes they are tempted to buy. People are on a buying spree at any time of the day. They do open their purses whenever they see shops are open. Unless it is absolutely essential they need not buy anything. Just as we can't order food more than we can eat, we should not go on buying dresses, bags, shoes and et al. at every opportunity.

It gives kick to drive fast and long for days and years. Remember the earth falls sick at the smell of the carbon. Use public transport. Most of us talk  of privacy and hence prefer own cars. But in air travel most of us have to lose the privacy and not the most we own individual aircraft. None of us can own our own hospitals to be treated in isolation. We can't have our private places of worship (churches or mosques) and we have to go with others. None can afford a big university for a single child. All the talk on privacy is simply hypocrisy. Use Public Transport at EVERY OPPORTUNITY.

Want a Museum or a Home?
All the big of the world  may survive in books and in their rugged buildings. No need to live after death in non-living structures. Gandhi and Teresa do live not in the structures they built but for the principles they lived. The houses Gandhi stayed - all of others - have become Gandhi House. Hence if you want to live after your life time live for others and not build palaces to be haunted by tourists who may etch their names on your walls. Simply live simply. Again Gandhi. He owned no house. But the world owns him.
To flow further.....

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