Sunday, March 16, 2014

Conflicts in Conflict with Convicts of Stress

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Act of the Invisible Pilot?

Flight 370 's flight is baffling for the aviation experts. Yes. The world is without an answer. The scientific community which is in a race against nature is dumb founded and of course would come out with an answer sooner or later. As the technology grows to assist man more and more,  the conflicts would also grow with more intensity. He reaches moon and brings back a few rocks but  is unable to reach his neighbors. Millions of men are starving and are dying for a death. Diseases kill men every day and the scientists are with cure but that cure comes at  a cost which the poor can't afford. He is on a Mars mission for any trace of life after travelling millions of kilometers for months and forgets that life is here all around and crying for support.

None is against exploration and discoveries. But man has to discover himself first. The exploration should be within first. Let it be of any machine of man. Without a man's brain it remains a drain. 

I believe we have to address the conflicts that are in man. Every one has got his bank account credited quite often but all are running short of 'trust deficit'. People are with closed doors, windows, eyes,minds and hearts but want to open the flood gates of  love. The stress in an individual percolates to his family and pervades the society. The reasons for the stress are no more with the family alone. They go beyond  families, streets,countries and continents. 

A book published in a distant continent read by a few and felt not good evokes very intense responses from some individuals who are not even remotely connected with that content. On the other side celebrities are created by the media and on their success or failure many sing or sink.
All these are due to the assumed affiliations. The artificial connect the man establishes with the unknown is one of the major reasons for this state of affairs.

Arming to harm others has become a norm and peoples are proud and happy to produce more and more lethal weapons that can be used against this human race. We are sure that no animal is on earth today that can devour man and his race. 

Here only I suspect the willingness of man to take revenge on the society that is harsh to him is on display. We do come across of fratricides in armies around the world - the reason being 'stress'.
The major reason for this 'stress' is 'communication breakdown'  between individuals and communities and countries. A connected world is in dis-connect due to suspicion and nothing else. 

If we are going to call our neighbor over a mobile phone- why our kids who are in the next room or downstairs, we are not on the path of any recovery. As long as we do more talking with machines and less with men we would be remaining  a conflict ridden race. Filling the fuel tank is o.k. but if  a pilot's heart is empty and dry and starving more and more 370's will disappear from our skies.

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