Friday, August 23, 2013


Today every room/office space  is  under 'conditioned air'. Vegetables or fruits, electrical or electronic goods everything  item is cooling off heating the atmosphere outside. There are vegetables-roots like the potatoes reaching the customer years after they came out of their earthen shelter. What is the need to cultivate, harvest and store them for years. What a phenomenal waste of power? Vegetables must be taken fresh. Here people freeze it -refreeze it, heat it again and cook it.

We heat the earth and  try to cool the space around us which further becomes the cause for the heat. Just you have to go to a dentist to avoid going to him in future. To be in comfort we use air-conditioner machines which consume much power and use CFC's.

Please  go through some tips to keep us cool.

Think globally, act locally.


In recent years, there has been a large shift towards buying locally-grown produce directly from farmers at markets, together with a shifting onto what is organic and what is not. Increasingly, people are taking a look at what they consuming and are interested in spending their money where it will really make a difference. By choosing to buy local, you are helping not only yourself and the communities that depend on this source of income, but you are helping the environment too!
  • Buying local supports local communities and preserves open lands
  • Buying local supports biodiversity
  • Locally grown food is a healthier option for you and your family
  • Food that is grown locally cuts transportation time and the consumption of fuel. 
  • Supporting local communities creates jobs.
  • Don't patronize big shopping complexes which keep their entire structure under air-condition
  • Their talks of green/organic are hollow as they import even locally available  vegetables from neighboring countries  
  • You are tempted to purchase more when you enter such shops as you are tempted by the packaging, discount offers, free offers and so on.
  • The option of plastic money makes one purchase more than the requirement as they fix a minimum for using such debit/credit cards
  •  Normally things in small quantities are not available.... such as in 100gms/200gms and you end up buying more
  • You  are tempted/misguided by others' choices and the cunning marketeers' have made even a dull looking tamarind fruit in attractive packaging
  • They charge more undoubtedly.
  • The motive for such companies is profit only. Please pataronize neighborhood shops and street vendors.

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