Sunday, August 18, 2013


One may  have a doubt, why this sudden love for indigenous people for this blogger? It is not a sudden one but a standing and a staring issue for decades now. As we complain about the people who harm this earth quite often, it is our duty to recall and recognize the people who stand on this earth and by the side of this earth in the unequal fight between the biologically living   man and earth.

The similar is the case of nomadic tribes all over the world. They consume little but pay more for the mother earth.  Their lifestyles are simple and unassuming. They build not castles and palaces. They make the real earth as their place and keep moving spreading the little knowledge to the public.

One such nomadic group is the 'Narikkuravas' or 'gypsies' of  Southern India. Basically they too belong to the same indigenous group of people who wanted to taste the 'civilization' and left their original places  but ended in a soup. As they are mobile in nature their languages could  not get a separate identity and script. The very nature of their lifestyles make them landless and hence voiceless. Though a few from these groups have gone up in the social ladder due to education and employment the majority still reel in absolute poverty and ignorance. Till this second they can't occupy a seat in our rails or buses and often they are seated near the corridors or aisles.  Neither do they have any  documentary proof to claim the various welfare schemes the state governments offer.

 Their numbers are  very small  (a  few thousands only) but the hearts of the educated too happen to be very small. Hence their neglect and suffering. I appeal to the people to address them as
 "THAEN VEADARKAL" or 'Honey Hunters' as the very term 'NARIKURAVAS' is highly abusive and demeaning. Yes they are into honey collecting. Nothing wrong if we address our own brethren with little respect. Indians who lent their voice to S.Africans and Palestinians should do something to their countrymen too. I appeal to the nuclear and digital Indians to support me in getting a 'honorific term' to refer to these lovely communities. If governments think they can be extended some concessions they should.


"ChennaiEvery textbook brought out by the Tamil Nadu state education board has following words on the front page - untouchability is a sin, untouchability is a crime, untouchability is inhuman. But the management of a multiplex in Chennai does not seem to have learnt that lesson.

The members of Narikuravar community have to face the scourge when they went to the multiplex.

The bunch of gypsies hailing from Tirupathur in Vellore district were stopped from watching a movie with their children - and the reason they gave for this is quite appalling.

"They refused to let us in. They said we're not civilised because we're not dressed in pants and shirts. They said only those who wear pants and shirts will be allowed inside," said Vijaya, a Narikuravar.  And if that was not shocking enough, the police had to intervene to get them into the multiplex. And even then, they weren't able to get a proper seat. The management is unwilling to take up the blame, calling this a small issue being blown up by the media.  "This is a small matter... you're blowing it out of proportion. It's no big deal," said Rajendran, Administrative Officer, Devi Theatre.

It might not be a big deal, but those who are told repeatedly that they're indecent and unfit to mix with 'normal' people, it's definitely much more than a non-issue.  "This is a clear case of unctouchability. 
This eight member gang comes to Chennai for a week every month to sell their goods - and a small break from their work on a Saturday morning has turned into an hour of humiliation."

  • But unfortunately the above news report too gags them with a 'gang' tag!

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