Tuesday, August 13, 2013

'Go Green Campaigns' are very old. ( ! ?)

SIPRI Yearbook 2013 – World's top 15 military spenders

The world's top 5 military spenders in 2012.
Figures sourced from the SIPRI Yearbook 2013.

World total1,7532.51001562.3
1United States United States682.04.439682
2China Chinax166.02.09.5249
3Russia Russiax90.74.45.2116
4United Kingdom United Kingdom60.82.53.557.5
5Japan Japan59.31.03.446.0
6France France58.92.33.450.7
7Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabiay56.
8India India46.12.52.6119
9Germany Germanyx45.81.42.642.8
10Italy Italyx34.01.71.931.0
11Brazil Brazil33.11.51.934.4
12South Korea South Korea31.72.71.844.2
13Australia Australia26.21.71.516.3
14Canada Canadax22.51.31.318.3
15Turkey Turkeyxz18.


"Nine killed in Iraq violence as oil pipeline bombed

Bombs targeting playground, cafe,school kill 22 in Iraq

Over 40 people killed while praying in Nigeria mosque – security forces

41 students and an English teacher have been killed in an Islamic extremist attack on a boarding school in northeast Nigeria. Some students were burned alive, according to survivors being treated for burn and gunshot wounds.
School pupils play beside the burnt main auditorium of Maiduguri Experimental School, a private nursery, primary and secondary school burnt by the Islamist group Boko Haram to keep children away from school in Maiduguri, northeastern Nigeria (AFP Photo)
School pupils play beside the burnt main auditorium of Maiduguri Experimental School, a private nursery, primary and secondary school burnt by the Islamist group Boko Haram to keep children away from school in Maiduguri, northeastern Nigeria (AFP Photo)

image from http://communityofnigeria.com

A northeastern Nigerian town turned into a slaughterhouse as a battle between government troops and Islamist militants left at least 185 dead. Heavily-armed extremists used locals as human shields while soldiers set residential quarters on fire.

3 Fort Campbell Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan"

Dear Friends,

Military forces around the world sport  olive Green as  their uniform and the reasons for sporting the color is known. If you have gone through the headlines today and the tables showing the defense expenditure of different countries your faith on this humanity would slowly vanish. Every nations preaches peace and breaches the same with much ease. The country claiming to be a 'peace land' has lost more humans in the seven decades than we lost in the nuclear holocaust or in WW II.

The scarce resources of the earth  are spent foolishly  by man in tests and trials. Lakhs of bullets are pumped in the air  in training grounds and thousands get killed too. The submarines with nuclear powers and air crafts with the speed of sound  and more deafen the years and blinding the focus of man. Our military men, their vehicles, their guns and their shelters- everything green; only their aim is red.

See the green power below: 


A submarine sinks after major blast off the coast of Mumbai, India.

"INS Sindhurakshak, a 16-year-old diesel-electric submarine, was handed over to India in January this year after nearly two years of overhaul and refitting in Russia at the cost of 480 crore rupees. It was expected to serve the navy for at least 10 more years. "

No green campaign will ever succeed till man leaves his urge  to fight for defending imaginary borders and blind faiths. 


There is conflict within the family. Father-son disagree. Mother-daughter quarrel. Husband -wife quarrel and get separated.  How to expect this vast human ocean stay united. Happily they are manufacturing more and more deathly weapons that can eliminate the entire earth and its occupants. Meanwhile they talk of love and preach love and kindness too.

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