Thursday, August 15, 2013


A few weeks back this blog suggested that the big lawns in big hotels and parks can be converted to vegetable gardens. On the day of India's independence (15th August)  I wanted to connect to Gandhiji-the Mahatma, the greatest environmentalist ever.

Following  are his words:    Year (1942)

Hints on small-scale vegetable cultivation in bungalows,etc.,

a) Plots selected should be well-drained and not over shadowed by buildings or trees

b) Beds in which flowers have been successfully grown are usually suitable but portions of lawns may also dug up and used for vegetable gardening 

c)Waste  water from the kitchen or bath-room can be utilized for the purpose

d) It stresses the necessity of using organic manure such as cow dung (Dept. of Agri./Bombay province leaflet)
e) Whatever can be eaten raw would be so eaten. By intelligently following this rule, one can make a small quantity go a long way.  

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