Friday, August 9, 2013


Any propaganda that requires sustained  campaign needs money. For instance, India is POLIO VIRUS FREE today thanks to the generous contribution of the Americans who channelized their money and efforts through the  UNICEF & Rotary International. Otherwise India would be gifting the world a small country's population as physically challenged every year.

India no longer a polio-endemic country

India completes two years without any case of polio on 13 January 2013, an unprecedented progress for a country, which in 2009 accounted for nearly half the world’s polio cases.

In view of the progress, India achieved a major milestone in 2012 with the World Health Organization striking it off the list of polio endemic countries on 25 February 2012, after India completed one year without any case of polio. India has not reported any case after a two-year old girl was paralyzed by polio in Howrah district of West Bengal on 13 January 2011.
This progress makes India more confident of achieving its goal of eradicating polio. It also demonstrates that the existing polio eradication strategies are effective in stopping polio even in the most challenging conditions.

On 25 February, 2012, India was officially struck off the list of polio-endemic countries by the World Health Organization (WHO), having gone more than one year without reporting any cases of wild poliovirus. "

The success story is possible due to the generosity of the kindhearted. The people who gave their hard money are not aware of the direct beneficiaries.They are sure that the humanity is relieved and they feel relieved.

Green Campaigns do not expect money from any one. But  contribution is expected in the from of reduced use of energy sources and all green ways wherever and whenever possible. 

For instance during the power outages the refrigerators are forced  to be  on the 'off' mode for hours. And no major harm has occurred to us. Of course hospitals and other essential services  can't have this experiment as they have to save life saving drugs. 

Like this every electrical appliance can be on   'off mode'  for a few hours even when the power supply is there. 
Simply an office or an individual household or a shop , we can easily reduce 10% of the power consumption. 
It is not the affordability of the consumer but the availability matters. 

When we learn that the Saudi households have five AC machines on an average, we feel there is no hope for the survival of this earth , if the same luxury is imitated by other nations. Also the people who are used to luxurious ways of life should realize that there are billions of people who do live without these AC/heating  machines.

Hence it is expected that each one can contribute to the survival of this earth in their own ways. No need to follow any one. Let them do something that helps sustain this earth and do not something that disturb the equilibrium  of this earth. Even it may be spreading the message of green among the street men.

But 'action'  is must. Let it be small but let there be efforts. 

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