Monday, August 12, 2013


Why should one migrate? There are economical, political, academic  and social reasons. Throughout the human history the youth were moving forward to  newer places searching for new avenues. As a soldier or as a software technocrat the youth has got power- the productive power. While the political bosses decide every country's fate, the youth spend their time hero worshiping their favorite leaders. In the third world millions of young men absolutely do no work but just burning fuel and money at the cost of their poor country men. Every youth should start loving this humanity. As we read about the casualties from some nations around the world every day, it is clear we all don't speak the language of  love but different languages all nurturing only 'hatred'. It is for the youth to make this world a livable space for humans too. 

Message for the Youth of the world:

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."
"All  the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark."
"Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin; to say that you are weak, or others are weak." 

Join us in celebrating International Youth Day 2013!
12 August every year sees the commemoration of International Youth Day. International Youth Day 2013 will be celebrated under the theme:
‘Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward.’

Not only will we be encouraging young people across the world to celebrate the Day by focusing on the topic of youth migration but we will be using the Day as an opportunity to launch the 2013 World Youth Report!

Why Youth & Migration?
Youth are recognized as one of the most mobile social groups in the context of migration – they form about 30% of international migrants! Yet very little is known about the livelihood struggles and opportunities that migration presents for young migrants and other youth who are affected by migration. We need to raise awareness about the situation of these young people as well as the role of youth-led organizations in addressing migration issues!

The 2013 World Youth Report (WYR) on Youth Migration and Development will be launched on 12 August! The Report will offer a multidimensional perspective of the life experiences of youth migrants, as well as some insights on the role of youth participation in migration-development policymaking and practice.
To learn more about the Report click here:
To watch our Google+ Hangout youth migration video: click here
The ILO Global Trends in Youth Labour Migration report, which presents findings from research conducted in nine different countries and at the level of two regions on the motivations and experiences of young people who leave their home countries in search of employment and the policy implications from these trends, will also be launched on this day.

What can you do on International Youth Day?
To commemorate the Day, you are encouraged to organize events or activities in your community.  Please share your commemoration with the world! Send in a description of your planned activities to
The most creative activities will be featured on the United Nations website to provide a sense of how International Youth Day is being celebrated around the world!

Below, some ideas about what you can do in you community and how you can effectively spread the message:
Educational radio or TV show Contact popular local/national radio or TV stations to request a slot to have a discussion with distinguished individuals and youth migrants.
Organize a public meeting or debate to discuss the risks and benefits of youth migration and the innovative ways youth can tackle the challenges of migration at the in local, national, and international level.
Organize a Google+ Hangout to bring together young people and relevant stakeholders from all over the world to discuss experiences of youth migration.
Initiate round table discussions among adults and young people to promoteintergenerational understanding and partnerships on the issue of youth migration.
Organize a youth forum to exchange ideas and discuss the social, economic and cultural backgrounds of migrants in order to help young people accept others and popularize a culture of non-violence and tolerance.
Organize a concert on youth migration and development to promote International Youth Day. Invite your local musicians and combine it with a panel discussion or invite a politician or policy maker to hold the key note speech.
Create an “info point” about youth migration-related issues in the center of town/village, at high schools, or at university centers.
Organize an exhibition Get permission to use a public space for an arts exhibit, which showcases the challenges of young migrants today or how young migrants including returnees are contributing to development at home and abroad.  Try to involve young people in the domains of culture, arts and music, to raise awareness on youth migration related issues.
Write to your minister of youth to inform him or her about the challenges young migrants, potential youth migrants and other youth face in their daily lives and to suggest solutions.
Make an impact!
What fires you up on youth migration and development?
Why not consider focusing one of the issues below for your activity:
  • How can youth embark on safe migration?
  • What are the dangers of irregular migration?
  • What are the rights of young migrants?
  • What role can youth in the diaspora play in promoting development at home and abroad?
  • What is the status of young women in migration and development?
  •  How can youth promote positive public perceptions on migration and migrants?
  • How does migration affect youth who are left behind by migrant parents?
  • What are the benefits and risks of youth migration?
            This year's observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration. Of the annual total of some   214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences. 

"The reasons young people migrate are many. Some are fleeing persecution, others are escaping economic hardship. Some are alone, others part of a family  with parents, siblings and even children of their own. Some have communities to go to, others must make new connections. In transit and at their final destinations, many young migrants face equal or greater struggles, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination and human rights violations. Young women, in particular, face the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Poverty, crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience. These challenges are exacerbated by the current global economic and financial crisis. Migrants are also often accused by communities and politicians of taking jobs from local people, exposing them to further risk of discrimination. In other cases, young people left behind by migrating parents face psychological and social challenges and greater vulnerability.

It is important to emphasize the positive contribution young migrants make to societies of origin, transit and destination ? economically and by enriching the social and cultural fabric. Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances.

The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide. When they return home, young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad. And, in many cases, women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence.
In October, the United Nations General Assembly will host the second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. I urge Member States to consider youth migration. Working with and for young people is one of my top priorities. On this International Youth Day, I encourage Member States, youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration."

Ban Ki-moon

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