Friday, August 2, 2013




Man is sure he is the sole owner of  this earth. Repeatedly he asserts his  authority by ruling and ruining the land, air and water. He kills literally millions of his fellow creatures  to satisfy his tongue and  decimates kilometers of  jungles for his occupation. People do talk about the atrocities and listen and care and finally go to the dining table expecting an animal fried to his taste. Today a country is incomplete without an  KFC outlet.

He wants to fly fast and  swim deeper in distant oceans. The word contentment' he hates. He refuses to learn from the indigenous communities -numbering millions -the ways of simple living. By amassing more wealth, more plastic, more steel and concrete, more white goods he ensures his happiness.

How to keep oneself happy is simple. By acquiring and possessing minimum materials and remaining  less attached to the world. As the attachment  to the world grows , it would be more and more difficult to extricate oneself from this world. Remain detached from the situations and circumstances.

Who would  wash the wings for these birds?

Can the man wash his sins off by using mere soap?

Who has made the birds sick with his slick?

Do these birds travel by cars and airplanes?

Why  should they lose wings to give wings to man?

Will they get food if they become static?

Hungry man , you are crude just like the 'crude oil''.

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