Thursday, August 1, 2013


In the year 1902 Willis Carrier built the first air-conditioner to control humidity in a  New York press. Then it was installed in homes,theaters, trains, cars   and today it is the chief villain to the survival of this earth. In the year 1985 it was found that there was a hole in the Ozone layer and the reasons for it was cited as the coolant in AC's such as CFC's/HCFC's . was blamed.

In 1990 coolants for AC, especially HFC's was recognised as greenhouse gases. Today the world has around 500 million air-conditioners and the AC roughly consumes 16% of the electricity consumed.  The global sale of AC rises by 18% per year. 87% of U.S. households and    4% of Indian households use AC machines. In Saudi Arabia every household has at least 5 AC machines. continue 

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