Friday, August 2, 2013



For many of us the deep sea is the purest. The deep blue sky and waters give us a feeling that everything is fine with the salt waters. It is not so. The  sea waters is  fast getting contaminated and days are not far off when the  animals living in sea  will come to the shores dead. Such occurrence does take place throughout the world every day. But the situation is not alarming so far. If the discharge of effluents and sewage carried by our rivers continue for a half century more  the work would be over- the death of the ocean and its resources.  When it happens that would be the most serious crisis that man would be dealing with in his history. Because millions depend on the sea for their survival and fish and the sea resources are the rich sources of food and nutrition for the billions. 

The environmental activists do talk about going green and they concentrate on the land and its inhabitants and resources and their fast depletion. But ocean waters are the base for the survival of this earth and they are getting polluted every second. Thousands of rivers carrying the city drainage reach them silently. The ocean waters can't object and they are subjected to untold cruelty. In Chennai alone three  such big rivers enter the  sea silently. None can monitor what our mammoth ships discharge into the oceans. The same is the case with the millions of small and big mechanized and non-mechanized boats spoiling the waters. Innumerable theme parks/water parks/sea resorts do indulge in the same damages . 

This is a reminder to all concerned that even an elephant can be eaten by small ants but of course in bits. The big water resource that acts as the life line of the humanity would not be in a position to support the humanity if he continues to release untreated sewage and oil and many more sick liquid relentlessly. The millions of boats and ships and the millions of habitations  near the shores and the rivers that reach across the world do spoil the sea waters. Let us awake before the tragedy awakes us.

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