Thursday, August 1, 2013


The single most enemy of the human kind is the 'man'. Man is forgetting and fully engrossed in moneymaking till his death. Man may seek retirement and may be ousted after certain age from some specific works. But every man builds his empire till the day of his departure. The huge population that fills this earth wants a hearth for its own. But the mismatch between the available resources and the growing demand is widening every moment. It is not about the affordability of a few but the availability for all that matters more. 

The population of New Delhi with an area of 1483 sq km is nearly 16.75 million and the area Newzealand  is 268,680 km and the population is a mere 4.405 million.  But still there is neither a campaign to create awareness on this  'global menace' nor any concrete programmes to spread the message among the public. Here the policy is more kids lead to more votes and vote banks. But the callousness of today's man will spoil the future of tomorrow's humanity. Already the 'noble race'  draws  water from the ocean and struggles to breathe without an oxygen mask. In the near future, man is  going to carry oxygen cylinders on his  back and will see rivers simulated in systems. 


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