Friday, July 19, 2013



Man started towards cities after the arrival of industrial revolution in a big way in the Victorian era. Even at   that  times it was 'HARD TIMES' as Charles Dickens tells us. "Oliver asking for more", an engraving in The Writings of Charles  Dickens.   But the biggest crisis is seen only in this cyber era as these companies occupy millions of concreted space for their work and stay throughout the globe. The so called white/green  collar job has attracted the generations and every one wants to reach the city for survival. In India young who are going to inherit hectares of fertile land from their parents make a beeline to these cities where they are offered a very meagre salary at the beginning of their career. They face lot of hardships and the parents say 'you stay there . Till you earn sufficient money  we will be sending you the required money.'  The young boys who lived in palatial houses in their native homes adapt to match box cottages/apartments'  lifestyles,  sharing space with many more such young men. 

Why this migration? Is agriculture not profitable? No. Still the only genuine profession where we can see our investment double in a period of 4-5 months is 'agriculture' only. But the problems faced by the farmers are:

1. Unpredictable monsoons
2. Water shortage for irrigation
3. Non-availability of labour
4. Increasing cost of inputs
5. Attack of pests/diseases
6. Shortage of funds for cultivation ( depending   on money lenders)
7. Vagaries of nature
8. Poor price for their produce
9. Presence of middlemen taking away the profits
10. Poor health care and non-availability of  quality educational institutions
11. Non-availability of ware houses/storage facilities

Apart from the few points mentioned,  the  major problem is the attitude of the society towards farmers. Traditionally in India people tend to give respect to the rich and the mighty and to the English knowing elite.  Respect and recognition  is displayed for a variety of reasons and none cares to respect a poor farmer. The literature that emanate from the cities often ridicule the farmers and their ways of living. A simple illustration. A passenger  bus driver on sighting a man with a bull or cow carrying a basket to carry the dung  on the road would be yelled at. The passengers would also shout at the poor peasant for delaying their journey. But in the city a man  having a stroll along with his dog which would be dirtying the public space would not be receiving such rebukes.

O.K. Problems may be there and are there. But if everyone wants a city life how are we going to get for our increasing number of stomachs?   Mere construction of more and more cities and satellite cities is going to make us a dry planet. Let us respect every profession and professional: a flower seller- a vendor selling golden ornaments and In cities we lose our identities. Cities are not a goldmine and the villages an aluminium. Let us celebrate the village life.

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