Tuesday, July 23, 2013






In any big hotel or a big corporate entity building huge space is reserved for lawns. Fresh water or recycled one is used to keep the lawns alive. I'm not having any plan against lawns and flower gardens. But a good amount of space can be allotted to growing vegetables that suit the soil and climate. None will become sad to see a tomato plant carrying ripe red tomatoes or beautiful orange carrots with their stems intact. In fact they can sell to their own customers as fresh-organic vegetables and fruits. This would become an income to the hotels/business house. The guests or the employees who regularly taste fresh vegetables would become healthier too.  For the spade work and watering  volunteers from the  guests/employees can be drawn. Nowadays everyone loves to do such work and it would be easier for the large establishments to maintain such productive greenery in their premises. As of now in every hotel they simply transport every 'waste' to the municipal landfills. No need here after. Go for bio-mass power generation using the bio-degradable waste generated from the establishment  and generate power from the human waste generated in the premises to power your own establishment. Human waste or bio-waste if stored for 18 days and more it can give you green gas. Sell the residual as fertilizer. Let us build the world together. Instead of roof gardens go for again growing vegetables. Gift the guests with plants and not with plastic rich /paper intensive books.

For sustainability of this earth if we all can join we can make it.

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