Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Just in the previous post I mentioned that we can do away with the lawns which are water intensive to maintain and yields nothing apart from the Oxygen gain and providing an aesthetic value. But growing vegetables and fruits in place of costly lawns would do more good to the environs and to the health of the people around. Leave alone the economic benefits. Grass roots are on the surface of the soil and are wide spread. Hence  frequent watering is essential. Though we all have installed fountains, the water is wasted without any doubt. In the similar manner we can do away with the decorative trees which stand majestically yielding nothing. Let us go for fruit bearing trees instead.   

The next suggestion is appealing to the rich and the poor  to give up the idea of 'big will live in a big house' . The days of monarchy and lords are over. These are the days of democracy. No need to declare one's wealth nakedly by building a massive concrete structure. In India there are house of ' modern maharajas' who live in such huge bungalows wasting precious power and water. 

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