Monday, July 15, 2013


US-based NGO to help rescue horses, mules

                  Over 1,000 animals are still stuck at flood-ravaged Kedarnath.

While rescue operations for stranded people continue on a war-footing in Uttarakhand, a US-based animal welfare organisation, Humane Society International (HSI), has extended help to save horses and mules which form an integral part of pilgrimage to Kedarnath.
With no initiative from the government for the rescue of these animals, animal-lovers in Uttarakhand have approached HSI. "We were approached by People For Animal (PFA), Uttarakhand, for help. We have provided the necessary things that they had asked for. We are also keeping a tab on the developments. The volunteers of PFA reached Guptkashi yesterday," Rahul Sehgal, Director, Asia, HSI stated.
HSI works for animal welfare and specialises in providing relief to animals in the aftermath of disasters. In India, it operates from Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
The horses and mules are used to ferry pilgrims and even construction material in the hilly terrain. When the tragedy struck, nearly 12,000 horses and mules were reportedly present at Kedarnath. Many of them were swept away by the flash floods, hundreds were injured and died later, but 2,000 horses and mules are still reportedly trapped between Gaurikund and Kedarnath.
"We have provided PFA-Uttarakhand with trained persons to tackle the situation. They include experts for vaccination and medicines. Veterinary doctors and para vets are also part of the team," Sehgal stated. The PFA has also been given funds to arrange for fodder and other things once the animals are rescued.
The Animal Husbandry Department of Uttarakhand says it will soon start rescue operations for animals.
"Our Animal Husbandry Department is engaged in relief work for humans. We attend to animals who are with the villagers. We are short of resources to take account of these horses and mules. But we will soon start some relief operations for them," Kamal Mehrotra, Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Uttarakhand stated.


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