Thursday, July 18, 2013

22 children didn't get right food and die where 255.36 million tonnes of foodgrains are harvested

Mid-day meal

Bihar tragedy: Modi expresses concern

Born to die ?
Poison as food?
We wanted food for ourselves.
 But you were preparing food for vultures,
Is this the culture of the land of the Buddha?

A man grieves over the body of his child who died in the mid-day meal tragedy.— PHOTO: AFP ( sEE ALSO PAGE 13)

Cry My Beloved Country 

As you left for the school bidding bye to me,
Dreams gave me company,
The dream of seeing you grow,
The dream of seeing you great,
The dream of caring me in my future,
The dream of having a shelter for our family,
The dream of an end to all the sufferings  we faced,
Oh God, how cruel you must be, to take away the innocent lives!

They ate to live but  you ate their lives,
Nuclear India, You will not answer, I know
Build politics on the corpses of our dead kids,
Build not a store to store these grains,
You see, eat and drink politics without any ethics,
We will live and die for you.

My beloved son, at least in your next birth 
Take birth where food is served and not death.

Under attack from the opposition over the death of 22 school children after consumption of mid-day meal at Saran, the Bihar government today said it suspected a conspiracy behind the tragedy.
"The deaths were not due to food poisoning but it's a clear case of mixing poison in food," state Education Minister P K Shahi told reporters here.
He said doctors attending the students at Chhapra sadar hospital have reported that the children had died due to the presence of poisonous organic phosphorous in the food.
"From where did this organic phosphorous come in the food given to students as part of the mid-day meal scheme?" Shahi asked and told the police to investigate the matter.
The minister hinted at the involvement of opposition RJD in the tragedy though he did not make any direct reference.
"Arjun Rai, the husband of the school headmistress, had supplied the food material for the midday meal. He is an active member of a party and cousin of local leader Dhruv Rai of Mashrakh, who is close to a prominent leader of a party (RJD)," he said.
Rai, Shahi said, owns the grocery shop from where the materials were taken by the school headmistress Meena Devi for the midday meal scheme.
Besides, the headmistress was posted at the school under pressure "from a particular party". Block education officer Pramod Kumar, who is under suspension now, had appointed her as headmistress in-charge of the school.

The minister said, "Some people seem to be in a 

hurry to capture power anyhow and in 

persuading this ambition they are indulging in 

inhuman acts like the present tragedy." 

Celebrate politics.

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