Monday, July 22, 2013



I don't understand the formula behind the "Formula 1"  and other motor car /bike races across the world. Even today one famous biker lost his life while competing in a race. People should understand that 'thrill' can be got by involving in so many other activities.  Mother Teresa from Europe reached India and was thrilled to serve millions in Calcutta and later millions more across the world. It is not my contention all should follow Mother and start serving the poor and destitute.  The example is just to tell happiness is possible without hurting others. A journey will have a start' and a 'destination' . In these mad races they go around the tracks burning fuel and the tyre tirelessly for the sake of name and fame. The media publishes these sports(?) in a big way and that makes such people to indulge in wasteful expenditure.

These motor sports lovers should understand that the earth belongs to all of us and each one has got a right to live without  a tear drop falling from their eyes. People suffer due to hunger, poverty, violence, diseases, physical and mental challenges and so on. When  our own brethren suffer it is not wise to spend in millions and offer prize money to one individual in a big way. happiness is in sharing. I don't want to go into the intricate details regarding the fuel spent by speed cars and the argument 'airplanes' spend much more. Airplanes do   carry passengers and do have a destination every time it takes off. It is not the case with sports cars.

Recently an Indian lost his life as he was trying to cross a river tied to his hair hanging on a rope suspended across a bridge. I also read a Brazilian changed his face to resemble a dog. All in the name of adventure or bravery. Courage or bravery is made of sterner stuff. Rejecting the temptations to speak lies, to do illegal acts,    to act against the poor and such acts fall under courage. As Thomas  Hardy  puts it  none is courageous even in the battle field. The survivor triggers his revolver a second earlier than the loser.

The fact of the matter is the world should think of giving up all sorts of races involving fossil fuel at the earliest. The petrol guzzling monsters take the passengers  nowhere but spends huge quantity of petrol. Cars are for taking people across. The purpose should be served. That's all. Those who want to be thrilled can very well play e-games involving cars/bikes to satisfy their urge to win. Or else the respective sports bodies to be charged exorbitantly for the fuel spent on such circuits.

When millions suffer due to malnutrition and  hunger is it right on the part of humanity to waste its energy,time and money and the planet in taking part in car/bike races.

And of course these motor sports are not the only ones to spend much without gaining anything. There are many more. But let us study every such futile sports and curb a little to make the human race walk ahead.

Victory  is in sharing and taking along and not in amassing wealth and running ahead  by leaving the suffering.

Think a while  before you leap.

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