Thursday, July 25, 2013


Whenever people  attend big conferences the things that attract them are the reception, accommodation and food. The travel to a distant place and the excitement preceding the trip add to the enthusiasm.  the deliberations hardly attract  and have any impact on the audience. The reason for this perennial failures are understandable. Normally in such conferences about a thousand and more delegates are attending in a big air-conditioned hall. At least a few scores would be moving in and moving out.   Rarely  the intended messages are reaching the concerned in such conferences.  People take  a few days to acclimatize to  the new environs and suddenly to switch over to serious learning mode is difficult for most of them. 

No accountability
None is going to test the learning  that had taken place and assess it objectively.
Mostly these are voluntary and if it involves serious management or scientific researches printed copies are issued to every delegate.  In such a scenario only it is suggested that e-conferences using video/audio tele-chats are preferable to  regular cost-intensive, water-energy- pollution intensive conferences.   

People fly long distances for attending such cosmetic meetings spending huge amount of fossil fuel. (air-  ) It happens even to the environment conferences every year. I'm not against travels undertaken by individuals or groups. The dislike is against spending much gaining very little.

To be continued..... 

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