Saturday, July 6, 2013

Obesity of a City or its Residents -Bad to Green Economy

Tips to Reduce Obesity in Children

Childhood obesity is a condition wherein the weight of the child is more than the ideal body weight.

Childhood is a period in which the growth is rapid and this stage is the building block of health for a healthy adulthood in the future. In India, children suffer both from childhood obesity at one end and from malnutrition in the other. Since the developmental and growth needs of the children are high therefore their nutrient needs are also high. In order to provide for the same sometimes parents do not choose a well-balanced diet and thereby expose their child to obesity.

Most parents are aware that their children need to include good sources of calcium like milk and milk products, proteins and energy. However providing the right quantity of food which should be nutrient dense and not calorie dense should be the aim of parents. Obesity may be prevented by following certain guidelines and involving your child in activity which will help her/him burn the excess amount of energy.

Healthy eating tips for children can be easily incorporated into the daily activities of the child:

•Provide healthy options of food to the child. Encourage the consumption of atleast five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, whole pulses and toned or skimmed milk after 2 years of age.

•By reducing the time for television and indoor activities like playing video games. Instead of this outdoor activities should be encouraged more and should be a regular part of the day for children.

•Taking the help of children in planning menu will also help them get more familiar with food and healthy choices can also be inculcated in the child.

•Increasing the consumption of healthy meals help control obesity from early stages. Snacks sent to the child during school should have healthier options like brown bread or multigrain bread sandwich, poha, upma, idli etc instead of noodles etc.

Controlling the consumption of junk food can also help prevent obesity as these meals are calorie dense and not nutrient dense. Children should thus be taught proper eating habits and should be encouraged to be more active for a healthy adulthood

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