Friday, July 19, 2013


If things go in the way they have to go, then there would be no problems. But when  things go the abnormal way they becomes a serious issue and we try for solutions. the biggest challenge we face today -the urban centres is handling of garbage. 

Source segregation, recycling, reducing, reusing, gasifying, converting into bio-manure ....we try many but the mounds of garbage continue to pile up in our towns and big cities unabated.

At times solutions  are there. We don't try.

To make Indians right and straight on this try the following:

1. Impose hefty fine on defacers of public places by throwing trash everywhere
2. Collect the segregated garbage from homes and charge them according to the weight
3. Increase the cost of packing materials multi-fold
4. Ensure every packing  cover gets recycled/returned to the seller/producer (Remember Indians used to put back carefully the empty bottles of soft drinks and they were taken back by their respective companies. Today tetra packs and plastic bottles bring the soft drinks)
5. Mention the packing cost on the cover and charge the customer separately for it
6. For a simple South Indian lunch people use at least 10 poly covers. Avoid such situations
7. Go with a container and a big cloth bag for your purchases
8. Use your garden for making compost from the bio-waste from your home and from your neighbours if they don't have space
9. You are throwing a kilo or two everyday but when a a city of  a crore does the same every day there is no space and man power to do collection and segregation.
10. Bring a guidelines and code for the packaging industry
11. Big  packaging materials  for goods like washing machine or refrigerator must be taken back by the companies that supply them
12. Go for awareness campaigns
13. Ask your citizens big/small to allot 30 minutes a day for community work ( Planting, nursing  and pruning of trees on the avenue he lives and so on) continue 




 Unnatural way




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