Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome 2015

Time is the greatest leveler. It can sooth us, console us and comfort us. It stops not for a second. The count down begins at the womb and continues till the tomb. Let us live every second. Let us fill life into the lifeless moments.

I may not be visible to the world because of my size and reach,
But the world is visible to me...

My voice may not be audible to the rest as it is so feeble,
But  I can hear all the good voice from every corner...

I may not have climbed  big mountains,
But I gain confidence on seeing simple clouds  silhouetting them, 

I am not a moon or a sun  or shining stars...
But I am a star unto myself,

Achievements need not be always of archaeological  substance,
My pressures and  pleasures are my treasures for my future.

The earth is not made of a single rock but of  simple grains of sand
 The big blue oceans of  waters take birth in tiny drops of water...

A jungle must have a leaf of grass, a curved creeper, a mammoth tree and many more and more,
A single tree  can never   make a jungle.

Let me celebrate the victories of others
Let me rejoice at the joy of others,
Let me search for truth that shines ever!

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