Saturday, December 6, 2014

Environment Goals for Sweden

  • Sweden is striving to ensure that the next generation can take over a society where the major environmental problems have been solved. The ‘generational goal’ involves 16 environmental quality objectives to be achieved by 2020.
  • Reduced climate impact
  • Clean air
  • Natural acidification only
  • A non-toxic environment
  • A protective ozone layer
  • A safe radiation environment
  • Zero eutrophication (excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.)
  • Flourishing lakes and streams
  • Good-quality groundwater
  • A balanced marine environment, flourishing coastal areas and archipelagos
  • Thriving wetlands
  • Sustainable forests
  • A varied agricultural landscape
  • A magnificent mountain landscape


Swede Svante Arrhenius (1859–1927), winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903, discovered the greenhouse effect. As early as the 19th century he produced calculations that anticipated global warming.
Swedish meteorologist Bert Bolin (1925–2007) was the first person to chair the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In 2007, the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which it shared with Al Gore.

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