Saturday, December 13, 2014


Image result for oil exploration getty images

India imports  four million barrels of crude every day. The third biggest economy of Asia is smiling after a long time. Oil burns engines and the cost of oil burns consumers and countries. It is estimated at the current level India can save 18 billion US dollars in the current fiscal in her oil imports. This may help contain the fiscal deficit by 0.9% which is a windfall.

But the falling oil prices should not lead to the rise in pollution levels. As of today almost every major car maker of the world has got manufacturing facilities  in INDIA. They are for the local sales and get exported mostly to the third world.
At this juncture the government has to think of introducing dual pricing for fuel. A BMW care owner and an old Ambassador taxi operator can't be charged equally for fuel. The rich can pay rich price and the poor should be made to pay the cost. The same logic must go for gas pricing too. The kitchens of Ambanis ( rich people) and Arukkanis (poor people) can't be on par. Here too dual pricing must be introduced.
The sudden development which is purely temporary must not slow down our searches and researches on alternate technologies seeking energy.
The windfall should not make the air quality fall. 

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