Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mann ki Baat

For  a long time I have been advocating that a leader should lead from the front. We are happy that our new leader chooses to speak to us on issues that bother us. A regular leader would take salutes and normally do what the bureaucracy would advise him, As a senior officer in a ministry he/she would have met a few more PM's and the new incumbent would be totally new to the environment  and  has to go by the advice of the assistants' guidance. Though there is nothing wrong in it the voters who have voted often would feel neglected and betrayed as the 'new leader' talks in a new tone and content.

It is not so with the new leader as he is seen guiding them and chiding them seeking performance report.  Why India is important in the world? It feeds 17% of the world population.
The demographics of India are inclusive of the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.21 billion people (2011 census), more than a sixth of the world's population. Already containing 17.5% of the world's population, India is projected to be the world's most populous country by 2025, surpassing China, its population reaching 1.6 billion by 2050.Its population growth rate is 1.41%, ranking 102nd in the world in 2010. The Indian population had reached the billion mark by 2000.

We should realize that  an Indian leader has to guide this much population  where as the Europe with around 750 million population has got 50 leaders to take care. Of course Russia takes the major chunk of the land area with around 40%.  Hence skirmishes are often expected. We see countries united by a religion but divided on political lines continue to fight civil wars for centuries. Here the diversities cement the people better.

Tomorrow the Hon'ble PM would be taking and taking on the Drug menace. Drug has to heal and it should not kill. Momentary  pleasures should not lead  some to monumental errors. It can attract any weak minded leaving him/her sick minded.  The rich or the poor becomes a victim once and then always. Activists point out that one has to say NO to Drugs, First time and at every time.   Normally the adolescents who love to take risk and feel adventurous venture into it to realize later that it was only a misadventure.

 Love should rule our homes and not rules.   Rules are normally learnt but rarely followed. The adults or elders at home should have a connectivity with their kids ...beyond the mobiles or e-mails and a good rapport with their active support. Sharing and caring is so essential as the kids expect more and more affection from their parents and not more and more property. Value of money and the lessons the poverty can teach them should go into their minds so early. Luxury will ensure penury.
Good habits and bad habits die hard. Hence it is the duty of the elders to be in constant path of love and be watching them without hurting their ego. The role of a parent here is not of a security guard but of a gardener. He has to tend and attend; prune and nurture for a healthy growth of the mind and the body.

Drug is a Devil
We all would have read stories where we come across demons with insatiable hunger. The same is with the drugs too. They will distract and attract the young but will extract the blood till it is fully sucked.  A drug addict who wants to come out often enters into a cruel  conflict with the good of him calling to end the habit and the bad of it pulling harder to continue the habit. More than the drugs' evil effects this constant dilemma puts the addicts in constant mental pressure which prove to be detrimental to their mental health. At the same time if the external forces - good and the  bad too start acting on the addict the problems get compounded. The pressures from family or relatives to end the habit and the stronger influence of evil friends continue to kill the spirit of the victim.

Banning the drugs, punishing the sellers or takers are superficial. The devil must not enter any one's mind/home. That's it.

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