Friday, December 12, 2014


The journey began with nature. Immediately after birth I landed on a cow dung laced mud floor and after a few hours it was noticed by my mom that thousands of red  ants were eating me alive. That must be  my first encounter with nature. The house  had  walls made of clay bricks  and had jungle grass for its roof.  I still remember the narrow area where we used to have big earthen jars.

Then as I grew we had lot of buffaloes and cows. It was a pleasure to see the calves but  a pain to retain them tethered to their places as quite often they would snatch the ropes they were tied with and run away. At times these cattle would travel longer distances  to neighboring villages and as they often roam in a group people would help us identify  and bring them back to our home.

Surrounded by paddy fields and lakes on either sides of the village and two rivers providing the required ambiance.... nature was never in dearth.

Today I'm saddened  at the destruction of the greenery and all builders name their projects as Green valley,green vistas, emerald green, green hut, green orchard and so on after cutting down all the trees and destroying the paddy fields which are the real green.

Like this in millions of ways we destroy this beautiful earth. When people question the 'Clean India Campaign' how can we expect that there would be some affirmative action on this front.
People say that the PM has given them  a broom on their hands. This is sheer politics. None compels any one to  go to a public place and clean the roads or parks. The message is that  we should not throw garbage  at our will and help save all the essentials of nature... water, air, soil.

The  Hon'ble PM named some 9 celebrities and all of them have not done anything concrete so far.   People who can help give ideas can never reach their portals. Ultimately  people think nothing they got from the new government. Because here we are used to get something concrete in our hands whenever a new scheme is brought out. It may be a free laptop or cycle or anything that is good.

Hope the country realizes the need to conserve nature. As often told " The earth we occupy is not inherited from our forefathers but borrowed from our future generations"

Hearty gratitude to all those who read my posts which are mostly borrowed ones. I'm a teacher and hence left with little time for this campaign. I'd be happy to know what goes right and what requires change in this blog.

I can provide accommodation and make necessary travel arrangements for those who come abroad. Any one is welcome who would force people to avoid polythene and follow a lifestyle that strains this earth less. I welcome friends to share with me proven methods that helps protect the environment.

Wishing you, your family and your country men a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 

I'm  reachable at:

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