Saturday, December 27, 2014

Time to Calibrate and not Celebrate: Water Tanks for Oil Tanks

The Crude price which was so crude and rude is slowly mellowing down to the levels of normalcy bringing cheers to all developing economies. Of course the developed too get benefited from the windfall. The oil and gas price bleeds many economies and nations crumble under the weight of this.

As the modern men are powerless and immobile without this fuel, every nation around the world had to spend at least 20% of its savings on crude and gas imports. India is also a biggest beneficiary. India requires 4 million barrels a day of crude imports and the price almost at half the levels of January June 2014 at 60 dollars and gas at 5 dollars. 

The lower price of the fuel should not fuel the consumption of oil and gas worsening the pollution levels. The much debated Copenhagen or Lima decisions will go to winds as people would not listen to any type of education or instructions as they would go for more vehicles and for undertaking more journey. The R&D on fuel research may be slowed down  as the pressure on the lid is not so high.
Today every car maker of the world has its manufacturing facility in India. Millions of cars are made available locally and exported across the world. Similar is the case of two wheeler segment. 

Pricing of Oil

Today the cost of petrol is around 65-70 rupees ( around a dollar or more with every day fluctuations) It can be further brought down to 60 rupees and then the  accruals may be collected with taxes on imports raised to strengthen to reduce the fiscal deficit further. An economically confident government can go in for massive 1. Irrigation programmes with conservation of existing lakes and rivers and  go for BUILDING MORE AND MORE LAKES.

If the Modi government creates 3 lakh lakes in the remaining period it would be the greatest it would do for the humanity.

1. It would arrest the migration of people towards concreted jungles from the country side
2. In cities we need to travel 20- 40 kilometers a day like fools spending our time and spending fuel which is not there in villages.
3. Pollution levels would go down or at least not go up
4. The dwindling water tables levels would go up
5. The future water wars will not happen
6. Food production will increase
7. The much required green cover we will get
8. Positive climate change may bring in more rains
9. The ecology of the are will imporve
10. Rural employment will rise
11. Conflicts will go down 
12. All can be happy.

Hope good sense prevails.

Hussain Sagar Lake, Hyderabad

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