Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Guide, India!

Wake up  my beloved nation,
The sun has shown his face,
This is the time to augment our pace.

Let the valleys and the hillocks,
The rivers and the streams,
Scream in joy of the victory!

The gardens buzz with butterflies and bees,
The farms bustle with harvests of fruits,
The factories roar with products of  proud India!

No nation can compete with us
We are complete in all aspects,
No more poverty under carpets!

The cyber inventor has become the cyber leader,
The 'soft race' leads  all in soft wares,
Her hard work is seen everywhere!

Lead this world with light,
Help them come out of  their plight,
Guide  every  race  to places of bright!

Teach the world the language of peace
And  you can reach the people,
With much ease!


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