Monday, January 20, 2014

Water, water, everywhere...

Let 'Global Cooling'  advocates continue their campaigns. But certain facts we can't hide. CO2 is being released into the atmosphere in millions of tons every day. If the naysayers  believe that this CO2 and other greenhouse gases would do good do only means arguments. But the general public have to realize that one of the essentials for our life on this blue planet water is scarce. A litre of diesel is 50 rupees means a litre of branded  water costs Rs. 20. Water wars are fought between countries and peoples. The life of man is threatened  in many countries due to the non-availability of water. 

The volume of rainwater that evaporates during the production of goods; for agricultural products, this is the rainwater stored in soil that evaporates from crop fields.

The volume of freshwater withdrawn from surface or groundwater sources that is used by people and not returned; in agricultural products this is mainly accounted for by evaporation of irrigation water from fields.


The volume of water required to dilute pollutants released in production processes to such an extent that the quality of the ambient water remains above agreed water quality standards. Given a lack of adequate data, one unit of return flow is assumed to pollute one unit of freshwater; however, this significantly underestimates the grey water footprint of production. Given the negligible volume of water that evaporates during domestic and industrial processes, the Water Footprint of Production only includes the grey water footprint for households and industry

The Water Footprint of Production accounts for the volume of green (rain) and blue (withdrawn) water used to produce agricultural goods from crops and livestock – the major use of water – as well as the grey (polluted) water generated by agriculture and from household and industrial water uses.

Water stress is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the blue (withdrawn) and grey (polluted) Water Footprints of Production to available renewable water resources.

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