Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sparrow, sparrow little sparrow....

Dear friends,
Often seen squabbling over food in gardens, the little sparrows too are not spared by the hungry man and they are hardly visible.Soon they will be seen and heard in our story books, cartoons and films alone. These harmless tiny winged friends are fast disappearing. The modern houses which we  build are built in such a way that no nests can be built on them. No windows or crevices and everything is closed air tight and man needs fans and AC's to cool his rooms.  The trees have disappeared and hence again they are homeless. Today food packets are damage proof and not a single grain falls either during the transportation or during sales and hence nothing falls on the road  for them. Due to the spraying of pesticides the small worms which the chicks can take are not available as they are dead already. At homes we do waste food particles but the bread crimps or rice gets packed in polythene bags and goes to the garbage dumb-yard leaving the small friends with no food.To add to their woes scientists say the cell phone towers too cause some trouble for their survival. The sparrow may be small but any one creature's absence  would definitely cause an imbalance in the cycle.

How to help house sparrows
● Encourage sparrows to nest by putting up nest boxes under the roof eaves of your house.
● Put up bird feeders containing grain, seeds and peanuts located near thick cover. Encourage plants, which provide seeds and fruits. Sparrow friendly plants include nettle, honeysuckle, shepherd’s purse, dandelion,
wallflowers and stock. 
● Leave an area of long grass in your garden as this will form a suitable habitat for lots of different insects. These provide food for young house sparrows. Insects can also be encouraged into your garden  by avoiding the use of chemicals and by creating a pond.

Have hedges with thick foliage and it 'd act as a buffer cover amidst the concrete jungles.
Always place grains and not cooked food with oil 
Place water in a big tray  and it out side
Just have your empty shoe boxes turned to its sides and place them in suitable places where minimum human activity is there
Let this earth be filled with all....

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