Thursday, January 16, 2014

Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind


Lights are meant to show us path and we should not expect that they'd drive away darkness from the planet. But today we close our windows and doors with 'airtight technology' and allow neither air nor light in. After shutting the sources of light and darkening our rooms we go for lighting and switch on fans or use coolers or air-conditioners.

20% of our power needs can be cut down instantly if we don't use electricity during the day when we have sufficient sun light. But every day I watch  at least 10% of our street lamps burning during the day time.

When are we going to get the technology that switches off our lights on sensing natural light?
  In big apartment complexes hundreds of lamps fitted on their compound walls glitter even at 8.a.m. Who will switch off these lights/lamps? When we are going go wake up at 8/9 a.m every day is it not a big wastage of energy?

And the decorations and illumimations. When the nature gifted stars are there why should we go for creating a star world wasting precious energy? Almost all our cities look like heaven on earth during nights with glittering lights. We all have to think twice before we proceed tp press the button. Let us utilize energy only when it is indispensable.

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