Thursday, January 9, 2014


Even an elephant or a camel can be eaten if taken in small quantities. The earth is big but bigger is man's contribution for the destruction of it.  Green jungles are replaced by concrete jungles; rivers are replaced by roads. We all have to realize the reality. Now or never.

One ton of coal produces 2.86 tons of CO2 when burned  (because each carbon atom combines with 2 oxygen atoms from the atmosphere), this would mean an additional 3.4 billion tons of CO2 produced just from this extra coal. 
At present 40 million and growing at 5% annually. This is only about surface transport excluding diesel rails and air planes and ships and millions of  boats that run on diesel. Millions of Factories  of small and big dot the world and all these are polluting the world.  There is no space to write in how many ways the earth is getting polluted and heated.
Millions of barrels of crude and gas are extracted every day and man  refuses to accept my theory that the hollowness beneath the earth we cause is also one of the reasons of earth quakes and the resultant tsunamis. We can hardly reach a few kilometers from the surface of the earth to dig out what we need. Continued exploitation of these limited resources for our unlimited demands,  for centuries, in mammoth quantities is slowly changing the underground composition and movement of gases and liquids. 
Even this little candle releases smoke.

This hurricane lamp's glass is to be cleaned as soot forms.

Calm after storm... buds after smoke
I can go on... but still people refuse to believe that the global warming is real.
Yes, in  the U.S today....
The most extreme arctic blasts, blamed on a weather pattern known as the polar vortex, were said to have affected nearly 190 million people.
In Kentucky, an escaped prisoner turned himself in to get out of the cold.
Some parts of the Midwest hit -26C (-14F), as low as the Antarctic coast in winter, and much colder than the inside of a domestic freezer.
Temperature records were shattered in states across the US, including Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Michigan, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.
It was -17C (1F) in the small town of Hell, Michigan, prompting online jokes that the weather was so bad even hell had frozen over.

The unprecedented freeze comes after a year of extreme weather episodes across the globe
Colder than Mars
But it was Embarrass, Minnesota, that experienced the lowest temperature in the nation on Tuesday: -37C (-35F).
That was colder than readings recently recorded on the Red Planet by the Mars Rover.
A video of a meteorologist tossing a pot of boiling water into the air in Wisconsin, to demonstrate how it immediately turns to snow, quickly went viral on the internet and was widely imitated.

The frozen mist from Niagara Falls coats the landscape around Prospect Point at Niagara Falls State Park

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