Thursday, January 16, 2014


The interest in knowing about their future is an interesting one for any one.In India from parrots to rats , there are many ways in which people's fortune is foretold. To our consolation during the FIFA  an Octopus was predicting. the winner/loser. The present picture of a friend is of  such a person. These friends would pay a visit to the households twice.Once during the midnight and again the next day morning. Their shrill voice and strange appearance would deter kids and mothers had always a 'kudukuduppandi' to threaten a child who refuses to take food. These friends normally visit the grave yards or cremation grounds and perform some rites with lemon fruits and the skulls of  humans. But none has got the courage to verify these stories but the very appearance of these fortune tellers would be a terrifying even for adults. The normal dialogues they often repeat is ' good times are ahead' ...good times are ahead'  . They would carry a very tiny percussion instrument which would make a sound in quick successions again is mystical even today. At times they would warn the 'men' of approaching bad times as Julius  Caesar's wife warns him of evil forebodings. The demands of these men are not big money but old clothes only. Though times have changed, there are still who refuse to change with the times . One such friend is this 'kuduguduppandi' who visited my home yesterday morning.

The earth belongs to everyone. For  a change .... about people who make this world a colorful, wonderful  place. Let us celebrate the variety.

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