Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Walk the distance.

For fetching an odd item from a nearby shop, to reach your workplace, to visit your friend or a relative use the nature mode of conveyance- on your foot. It’s good for the health of both the earth and you.

Cycle the distance.

The distance for an odd errand is a little more and the time available to do the same is less. Take your bicycle. It’s good for your health, safe for your pocket and healthy for the earth.

Avoid junk food

Eat fresh from your kitchen and avoid food prepared in factories and packed NBD materials.
(B.D /NBD–bio-degradable and non-bio- degradable)

Minimize your needs

Shopping at every outing is punishing the earth. Stopping it early would do so many good things.

Seven is heaven

Don’t keep more than 7 (seven) sets of dresses. If you possess more than seven, heaven will not be your   haven later on. (One set for each day –simple. Won’t we clean up our home at least once in a week?)

Return the packaging materials

On purchase of any big e-item (a refrigerator/an oven/a TV) return the big packaging materials to the dealer and struggle not with them to dumb it elsewhere.

Segregate at home

Source segregation at home is a must. BD & NBD should be separated at your home. No compromise please.

Cook not food

What can be consumed fresh need not be boiled/fried/baked at all. Eat them fresh to keep you afresh 

Waste not a little

A little grain has travelled much. At times without a VISA it has crossed borders. Can’t you ensure its destination - from your kitchen to your stomach. Do it without fail.

 Green talks are not fashion but passion

Never think green talks are mere empty words from the arm chair orphans. It should be your passion too. 

Build a little

Today every palace of yesteryears has become a monument. Do you want to be remembered for your brick work or brisk work? No scientist or a litterateur lived in a palace and hence they all live in the hearts of everyone today.

More comforts - a sin 

Suffering is not a pain but a gain and a process in the making of you . Switch not your AC every time you see it. Every previous generation of yours lived without these comforts. (Sweat is a natural process. Keep not it under the carpet)

The more you purchase the more you lose

More products, more buyers, more money doesn't lead to more employment. Should   we employ more to destroy our shores?

Purchase not any machine to build your body

Your body is not a concrete building to be built. Just your mother’s milk kept you alive and chubby for a year. Why to purchase machines to build your body? Clean the locality where you stay. Join the workers who clean up the city. Dig, plant, water and nurture more on your streets. Run a little. Move a   little.

Don’t deface public space

You want your space to be clean. Why do you deface the public space with a poster or litter?

Complain never, compliment ever

The rail station your residents use for the last one century is without a single plant. Don’t you think if you (the long time users-in millions) have gifted a single plant once in ten years the station would have become a garden.

Expect not from the government every time

To fill a crater on the road near your house write not to the government or remain passive, without an action. Fill it yourself. 

Carry containers to the market

To fetch milk, oil or any other liquid go with a container to the shop. Good and safe for all involved.

Step not out without a cloth/jute bag

Safety can’t be a style statement. It’s the earth’s entitlement. Carry a cloth/jute/any BD BAG whenever you step out.

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