Monday, June 24, 2013


 Updates on Uttarakhand

As per the media reports bitter bickering has erupted among various  political parties in India  over the help they extend to the human beings who are inside deep jungles,deep valleys and on steep hills fighting for their lives. MAN CAN'T  GO MEAN BEYOND THIS. THIS IS THE PROOF TO SHOW HOW  UGLY THE HUMANS ARE.  

LORD OF THE FLIES'  hero could make smoke and escaped but today at least a few hundreds are still struggling to be noticed by helicopters. Pl. pass on any ideas if you have to locate such persons and save them. 

As per the reports coming in , after a mere  8 days of this terrible tragedy   a telephone firm has come out with help lines -that too toll free! What a great alacrity! Nowhere in the world and never in human history man has succeeded to offer free helplines within eight days after  a Himalayan tragedy. 

Uttarakhand rejects choppers/help

Another humane act that we come across is the news item reported that the local government has not accepted the help offered by  yet another state.

The only solace to us is  that our  Army  and other armed forces' men doing selfless service non-stop for the last eight days. We salute their grit and sacrifice. All the good souls of this nation are with those brave men. Long live India.

  1. Uttarakhand Floods Information

    Uttarkashi:(+91) 1374-226461
    Chamoli:(+91) 1372-251437, 9411352136
    Rudraprayag:(+91) 1364-233727,9412914875
    Control Room (Uttarakhand):(+91) 135-2710334, 9557444486

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